1. No Trolling/Flaming/Harassing
2. No Impersonating Others {especially staff}
3. Be Respectful of yourself and others.
4. No Multi-accounts. You can have up to 3 Characters on your one account. To clarify, that means no more than 3 characters total for the time being.
5. You need to be Medicated {50 posts} to create a second character. You need to be a Repeat Patient {100 posts} for a third character.
6. No Godmodding
7. Do not use a bunch of text-speak, or chat-speak in your RP(none at all is preferred). We prefer that most of it is kept out of the CB as well, as many people don't understand it. This is a literary site, you're expected to at least attempt proper spelling and grammar.
8. This is a mature RP so topics containing matter not suitable for 16 and under and must be in the 'NSFW' sections of the forum{i.e. anything that might be considered over PG-13. Implied situations and undescribed or partial nudity is allowed}. If you cannot see the forum, then you haven't registered your birthday in your profile, and haven't been moved to the appropriate group, or you haven't created a character and been approved. Any RPers and characters involved in such scenes must be 16+ for legal reasons.